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50 statements
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1import logging
2import signal
3import sys
5import sentry_sdk
6from sentry_sdk.integrations import argv, atexit, dedupe, modules, stdlib, threading
7from sentry_sdk.integrations import logging as sentry_logging
8from sqlalchemy.sql import text
10from couchers.config import check_config, config
11from couchers.db import apply_migrations, session_scope
12from import start_jobs_scheduler, start_jobs_worker
13from couchers.metrics import create_prometheus_server, main_process_registry
14from couchers.server import create_main_server, create_media_server
15from couchers.tracing import setup_tracing
16from dummy_data import add_dummy_data
20logging.basicConfig(format="[%(process)5d:%(thread)20d] %(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
21logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
25if config["SENTRY_ENABLED"]:
26 # Sends exception tracebacks to Sentry, a cloud service for collecting exceptions
27 sentry_sdk.init(
28 config["SENTRY_URL"],
29 traces_sample_rate=0.0,
30 environment=config["COOKIE_DOMAIN"],
31 release=config["VERSION"],
32 default_integrations=False,
33 integrations=[
34 # we need to manually list out the integrations, there is no other way of disabling the global excepthook integration
35 # we want to disable that because it seems to be picking up already handled gRPC errors (e.g. grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
36 argv.ArgvIntegration(),
37 atexit.AtexitIntegration(),
38 dedupe.DedupeIntegration(),
39 sentry_logging.LoggingIntegration(),
40 modules.ModulesIntegration(),
41 stdlib.StdlibIntegration(),
42 threading.ThreadingIntegration(),
43 ],
44 )
46# used to export metrics
47create_prometheus_server(main_process_registry, 8000)
50def log_unhandled_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
51 """Make sure that any unhandled exceptions will write to the logs"""
52 if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt):
53 # call the default excepthook saved at __excepthook__
54 sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
55 return
56 logger.critical("Unhandled exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))
59sys.excepthook = log_unhandled_exception"Checking DB connection")
63with session_scope() as session:
64 res = session.execute(text("SELECT 42;"))
65 if list(res) != [(42,)]:
66 raise Exception("Failed to connect to DB")"Running DB migrations")
72if config["ADD_DUMMY_DATA"]:
73 add_dummy_data()"Starting")
77if config["ROLE"] in ["scheduler", "all"]:
78 scheduler = start_jobs_scheduler()
80if config["ROLE"] in ["worker", "all"]:
81 worker = start_jobs_worker()
85if config["ROLE"] in ["api", "all"]:
86 server = create_main_server(port=1751)
87 server.start()
88 media_server = create_media_server(port=1753)
89 media_server.start()
90"Serving on 1751 (secure) and 1753 (media)")"App waiting for signal...")