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1import string
3import grpc
4import pytest
6from couchers import errors
7from couchers.db import session_scope
8from couchers.models import Thread
9from couchers.servicers.threads import pack_thread_id
10from proto import threads_pb2
11from tests.test_fixtures import db, generate_user, testconfig, threads_session # noqa
15def _(testconfig):
16 pass
19def test_threads_basic(db):
20 user1, token1 = generate_user()
22 # Create a dummy Thread (should be replaced by pages later on)
23 with session_scope() as session:
24 dummy_thread = Thread()
25 session.add(dummy_thread)
26 session.flush()
27 PARENT_THREAD_ID = pack_thread_id(, depth=0)
29 with threads_session(token1) as api:
30 bat_id = api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=PARENT_THREAD_ID, content="bat")).thread_id
32 cat_id = api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=PARENT_THREAD_ID, content="cat")).thread_id
34 dog_id = api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=PARENT_THREAD_ID, content="dog")).thread_id
36 dogs = [
37 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=dog_id, content=animal)).thread_id
38 for animal in ["hyena", "wolf", "prariewolf"]
39 ]
40 cats = [
41 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=cat_id, content=animal)).thread_id
42 for animal in ["cheetah", "lynx", "panther"]
43 ]
45 # Make some queries
46 ret = api.GetThread(threads_pb2.GetThreadReq(thread_id=PARENT_THREAD_ID))
47 assert len(ret.replies) == 3
48 assert ret.next_page_token == ""
49 assert ret.replies[0].thread_id == dog_id
50 assert ret.replies[0].content == "dog"
51 assert ret.replies[0].author_user_id ==
52 assert ret.replies[0].num_replies == 3
54 assert ret.replies[1].thread_id == cat_id
55 assert ret.replies[1].content == "cat"
56 assert ret.replies[1].author_user_id ==
57 assert ret.replies[1].num_replies == 3
59 assert ret.replies[2].thread_id == bat_id
60 assert ret.replies[2].content == "bat"
61 assert ret.replies[2].author_user_id ==
62 assert ret.replies[2].num_replies == 0
64 ret = api.GetThread(threads_pb2.GetThreadReq(thread_id=cat_id))
65 assert len(ret.replies) == 3
66 assert ret.next_page_token == ""
67 assert [reply.thread_id for reply in ret.replies] == cats[::-1]
69 ret = api.GetThread(threads_pb2.GetThreadReq(thread_id=dog_id))
70 assert len(ret.replies) == 3
71 assert ret.next_page_token == ""
72 assert [reply.thread_id for reply in ret.replies] == dogs[::-1]
75def test_threads_errors(db):
76 user1, token1 = generate_user()
77 with threads_session(token1) as api:
78 # request non-existing comment
79 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
80 api.GetThread(threads_pb2.GetThreadReq(thread_id=11))
81 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
82 assert e.value.details() == errors.THREAD_NOT_FOUND
84 # request non-existing depth digit
85 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
86 api.GetThread(threads_pb2.GetThreadReq(thread_id=19))
87 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
88 assert e.value.details() == errors.THREAD_NOT_FOUND
90 # post on non-existing comment
91 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
92 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=11, content="foo"))
93 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
94 assert e.value.details() == errors.THREAD_NOT_FOUND
96 # post on non-existing depth
97 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
98 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=19, content="foo"))
99 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
100 assert e.value.details() == errors.THREAD_NOT_FOUND
102 # post empty content
103 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
104 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=19, content=""))
105 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
106 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_COMMENT
108 # post whitespace only content
109 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
110 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=19, content=" "))
111 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
112 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_COMMENT
115def pagination_test(api, parent_id):
116 # Post some data
117 for c in reversed(string.ascii_lowercase):
118 api.PostReply(threads_pb2.PostReplyReq(thread_id=parent_id, content=c))
120 # Get it with pagination
121 token = ""
122 import textwrap
124 for expected_page in textwrap.wrap(string.ascii_lowercase, 5):
125 ret = api.GetThread(threads_pb2.GetThreadReq(thread_id=parent_id, page_size=5, page_token=token))
126 assert "".join(x.content for x in ret.replies) == expected_page
127 token = ret.next_page_token
129 assert token == ""
131 return ret.replies[0].thread_id # to be used as a test one level deeper
134def test_threads_pagination(db):
135 user1, token1 = generate_user()
139 # Create a dummy Thread (should be replaced by pages later on)
140 with session_scope() as session:
141 session.add(Thread(id=1))
143 with threads_session(token1) as api:
144 comment_id = pagination_test(api, PARENT_THREAD_ID)
145 pagination_test(api, comment_id)