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1import grpc
2import pytest
4from couchers import errors
5from couchers.db import session_scope
6from couchers.models import ContentReport
7from couchers.sql import couchers_select as select
8from proto import reporting_pb2
9from tests.test_fixtures import db, generate_user, reporting_session, testconfig # noqa
13def _(testconfig):
14 pass
17def test_reporting(db):
18 user1, token1 = generate_user()
19 user2, token2 = generate_user()
21 with reporting_session(token1) as api:
22 res = api.Report(
23 reporting_pb2.ReportReq(
24 reason="spam",
25 description="I think this is spam and does not belong on couchers",
26 content_ref="comment/123",
27 author_user=user2.username,
28 user_agent="n/a",
29 page="",
30 )
31 )
33 with session_scope() as session:
34 entries = session.execute(select(ContentReport)).scalars().all()
36 assert len(entries) == 1
38 assert entries[0].reporting_user_id ==
39 assert entries[0].reason == "spam"
40 assert entries[0].description == "I think this is spam and does not belong on couchers"
41 assert entries[0].content_ref == "comment/123"
42 assert entries[0].author_user_id ==
43 assert entries[0].user_agent == "n/a"
44 assert entries[0].page == ""
46 # Test that reporting nonexisting user fails
48 with reporting_session(token1) as api:
49 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
50 api.Report(
51 reporting_pb2.ReportReq(
52 reason="spam",
53 description="I think this is spam and does not belong on couchers",
54 content_ref="comment/123",
55 author_user="impossible username",
56 user_agent="n/a",
57 page="",
58 )
59 )
60 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
61 assert e.value.details() == errors.USER_NOT_FOUND