Coverage for src/tests/ 98%
193 statements
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1import json
2import re
3from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
5import grpc
6import pytest
7from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
9from couchers import errors
10from couchers.crypto import b64decode
11from import process_job
12from couchers.models import (
13 HostingStatus,
14 MeetupStatus,
15 Notification,
16 NotificationDelivery,
17 NotificationDeliveryType,
18 NotificationTopicAction,
19 User,
21from couchers.notifications.notify import notify
22from couchers.sql import couchers_select as select
23from proto import api_pb2, auth_pb2, conversations_pb2, notification_data_pb2, notifications_pb2
24from proto.internal import unsubscribe_pb2
25from tests.test_fixtures import ( # noqa
26 api_session,
27 auth_api_session,
28 conversations_session,
29 db,
30 email_fields,
31 generate_user,
32 mock_notification_email,
33 notifications_session,
34 process_jobs,
35 push_collector,
36 session_scope,
37 testconfig,
42def _(testconfig):
43 pass
46@pytest.mark.parametrize("enabled", [True, False])
47def test_SetNotificationSettings_preferences_respected_editable(db, enabled):
48 user, token = generate_user()
50 # enable a notification type and check it gets delivered
51 topic_action = NotificationTopicAction.badge__add
53 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
54 notifications.SetNotificationSettings(
55 notifications_pb2.SetNotificationSettingsReq(
56 preferences=[
57 notifications_pb2.SingleNotificationPreference(
58 topic=topic_action.topic,
59 action=topic_action.action,
60 delivery_method="push",
61 enabled=enabled,
62 )
63 ],
64 )
65 )
67 with session_scope() as session:
68 notify(
69 session,
71 topic_action=topic_action.display,
72 data=notification_data_pb2.BadgeAdd(
73 badge_id="volunteer",
74 badge_name="Active Volunteer",
75 badge_description="This user is an active volunteer for",
76 ),
77 )
79 process_job()
81 with session_scope() as session:
82 deliv = session.execute(
83 select(NotificationDelivery)
84 .join(Notification, == NotificationDelivery.notification_id)
85 .where(Notification.user_id ==
86 .where(Notification.topic_action == topic_action)
87 .where(NotificationDelivery.delivery_type == NotificationDeliveryType.push)
88 ).scalar_one_or_none()
90 if enabled:
91 assert deliv is not None
92 else:
93 assert deliv is None
96def test_SetNotificationSettings_preferences_not_editable(db):
97 user, token = generate_user()
99 # enable a notification type and check it gets delivered
100 topic_action = NotificationTopicAction.password_reset__start
102 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
103 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
104 notifications.SetNotificationSettings(
105 notifications_pb2.SetNotificationSettingsReq(
106 preferences=[
107 notifications_pb2.SingleNotificationPreference(
108 topic=topic_action.topic,
109 action=topic_action.action,
110 delivery_method="push",
111 enabled=False,
112 )
113 ],
114 )
115 )
116 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
117 assert e.value.details() == errors.CANNOT_EDIT_THAT_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE
120def test_unsubscribe(db):
121 # this is the ugliest test i've written
123 user, token = generate_user()
125 topic_action = NotificationTopicAction.badge__add
127 # first enable email notifs
128 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
129 notifications.SetNotificationSettings(
130 notifications_pb2.SetNotificationSettingsReq(
131 preferences=[
132 notifications_pb2.SingleNotificationPreference(
133 topic=topic_action.topic,
134 action=topic_action.action,
135 delivery_method=method,
136 enabled=enabled,
137 )
138 for method, enabled in [("email", True), ("digest", False), ("push", False)]
139 ],
140 )
141 )
143 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
144 with session_scope() as session:
145 notify(
146 session,
148 topic_action=topic_action.display,
149 data=notification_data_pb2.BadgeAdd(
150 badge_id="volunteer",
151 badge_name="Active Volunteer",
152 badge_description="This user is an active volunteer for",
153 ),
154 )
156 assert mock.call_count == 1
157 assert email_fields(mock).recipient ==
158 # very ugly
159 # http://localhost:3000/unsubscribe?payload=CAEiGAoOZnJpZW5kX3JlcXVlc3QSBmFjY2VwdA==&sig=BQdk024NTATm8zlR0krSXTBhP5U9TlFv7VhJeIHZtUg=
160 for link in re.findall(r'<a href="(.*?)"', email_fields(mock).html):
161 if "payload" not in link:
162 continue
163 print(link)
164 url_parts = urlparse(link)
165 params = parse_qs(url_parts.query)
166 print(params["payload"][0])
167 payload = unsubscribe_pb2.UnsubscribePayload.FromString(b64decode(params["payload"][0]))
168 if payload.HasField("topic_action"):
169 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
170 res = auth_api.Unsubscribe(
171 auth_pb2.UnsubscribeReq(
172 payload=b64decode(params["payload"][0]),
173 sig=b64decode(params["sig"][0]),
174 )
175 )
176 break
177 else:
178 raise Exception("Didn't find link")
180 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
181 res = notifications.GetNotificationSettings(notifications_pb2.GetNotificationSettingsReq())
183 for group in res.groups:
184 for topic in group.topics:
185 for item in topic.items:
186 if topic == topic_action.topic and item == topic_action.action:
187 assert not
189 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
190 with session_scope() as session:
191 notify(
192 session,
194 topic_action=topic_action.display,
195 data=notification_data_pb2.BadgeAdd(
196 badge_id="volunteer",
197 badge_name="Active Volunteer",
198 badge_description="This user is an active volunteer for",
199 ),
200 )
202 assert mock.call_count == 0
205def test_unsubscribe_do_not_email(db):
206 user, token = generate_user()
208 _, token2 = generate_user(complete_profile=True)
209 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
210 with api_session(token2) as api:
211 api.SendFriendRequest(api_pb2.SendFriendRequestReq(
213 assert mock.call_count == 1
214 assert email_fields(mock).recipient ==
215 # very ugly
216 # http://localhost:3000/unsubscribe?payload=CAEiGAoOZnJpZW5kX3JlcXVlc3QSBmFjY2VwdA==&sig=BQdk024NTATm8zlR0krSXTBhP5U9TlFv7VhJeIHZtUg=
217 for link in re.findall(r'<a href="(.*?)"', email_fields(mock).html):
218 if "payload" not in link:
219 continue
220 print(link)
221 url_parts = urlparse(link)
222 params = parse_qs(url_parts.query)
223 print(params["payload"][0])
224 payload = unsubscribe_pb2.UnsubscribePayload.FromString(b64decode(params["payload"][0]))
225 if payload.HasField("do_not_email"):
226 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
227 res = auth_api.Unsubscribe(
228 auth_pb2.UnsubscribeReq(
229 payload=b64decode(params["payload"][0]),
230 sig=b64decode(params["sig"][0]),
231 )
232 )
233 break
234 else:
235 raise Exception("Didn't find link")
237 _, token3 = generate_user(complete_profile=True)
238 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
239 with api_session(token3) as api:
240 api.SendFriendRequest(api_pb2.SendFriendRequestReq(
242 assert mock.call_count == 0
244 with session_scope() as session:
245 user_ = session.execute(select(User).where( ==
246 assert user_.do_not_email
249def test_get_do_not_email(db):
250 _, token = generate_user()
252 with session_scope() as session:
253 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
254 user.do_not_email = False
256 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
257 res = notifications.GetNotificationSettings(notifications_pb2.GetNotificationSettingsReq())
258 assert not res.do_not_email_enabled
260 with session_scope() as session:
261 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
262 user.do_not_email = True
263 user.hosting_status = HostingStatus.cant_host
264 user.meetup_status = MeetupStatus.does_not_want_to_meetup
266 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
267 res = notifications.GetNotificationSettings(notifications_pb2.GetNotificationSettingsReq())
268 assert res.do_not_email_enabled
271def test_set_do_not_email(db):
272 _, token = generate_user()
274 with session_scope() as session:
275 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
276 user.do_not_email = False
277 user.hosting_status = HostingStatus.can_host
278 user.meetup_status = MeetupStatus.wants_to_meetup
280 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
281 notifications.SetNotificationSettings(notifications_pb2.SetNotificationSettingsReq(enable_do_not_email=False))
283 with session_scope() as session:
284 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
285 assert not user.do_not_email
287 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
288 notifications.SetNotificationSettings(notifications_pb2.SetNotificationSettingsReq(enable_do_not_email=True))
290 with session_scope() as session:
291 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
292 assert user.do_not_email
293 assert user.hosting_status == HostingStatus.cant_host
294 assert user.meetup_status == MeetupStatus.does_not_want_to_meetup
296 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
297 notifications.SetNotificationSettings(notifications_pb2.SetNotificationSettingsReq(enable_do_not_email=False))
299 with session_scope() as session:
300 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
301 assert not user.do_not_email
304def test_list_notifications(db, push_collector):
305 user1, token1 = generate_user()
306 user2, token2 = generate_user()
308 with api_session(token2) as api:
309 api.SendFriendRequest(api_pb2.SendFriendRequestReq(
311 with notifications_session(token1) as notifications:
312 res = notifications.ListNotifications(notifications_pb2.ListNotificationsReq())
313 assert len(res.notifications) == 1
315 n = res.notifications[0]
317 assert n.topic == "friend_request"
318 assert n.action == "create"
319 assert n.key == "2"
320 assert n.title == f"{} wants to be your friend"
321 assert n.body == f"You've received a friend request from {}"
322 assert n.icon.startswith("http://localhost:5001/img/thumbnail/")
323 assert n.url == "http://localhost:3000/connections/friends/"
325 with conversations_session(token2) as c:
326 res = c.CreateGroupChat(conversations_pb2.CreateGroupChatReq(recipient_user_ids=[]))
327 group_chat_id = res.group_chat_id
328 for i in range(17):
329 c.SendMessage(conversations_pb2.SendMessageReq(group_chat_id=group_chat_id, text=f"Test message {i}"))
331 process_jobs()
333 all_notifs = []
334 with notifications_session(token1) as notifications:
335 page_token = None
336 for _ in range(100):
337 res = notifications.ListNotifications(
338 notifications_pb2.ListNotificationsReq(
339 page_size=5,
340 page_token=page_token,
341 )
342 )
343 assert len(res.notifications) == 5 or not res.next_page_token
344 all_notifs += res.notifications
345 page_token = res.next_page_token
346 if not page_token:
347 break
349 bodys = [f"Test message {16 - i}" for i in range(17)] + [f"You've received a friend request from {}"]
350 assert bodys == [n.body for n in all_notifs]
353def test_GetVapidPublicKey(db):
354 _, token = generate_user()
356 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
357 assert (
358 notifications.GetVapidPublicKey(empty_pb2.Empty()).vapid_public_key
359 == "BApMo2tGuon07jv-pEaAKZmVo6E_d4HfcdDeV6wx2k9wV8EovJ0ve00bdLzZm9fizDrGZXRYJFqCcRJUfBcgA0A"
360 )
363def test_RegisterPushNotificationSubscription(db):
364 _, token = generate_user()
366 subscription_info = {
367 "endpoint": "",
368 "expirationTime": None,
369 "keys": {
370 "auth": "TnuEJ1OdfEkf6HKcUovl0Q",
371 "p256dh": "BK7Rp8og3eFJPqm0ofR8F-l2mtNCCCWYo6f_5kSs8jPEFiKetnZHNOglvC6IrgU9vHmgFHlG7gHGtB1HM599sy0",
372 },
373 }
375 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
376 res = notifications.RegisterPushNotificationSubscription(
377 notifications_pb2.RegisterPushNotificationSubscriptionReq(
378 full_subscription_json=json.dumps(subscription_info),
379 )
380 )
383def test_SendTestPushNotification(db, push_collector):
384 user, token = generate_user()
386 with notifications_session(token) as notifications:
387 notifications.SendTestPushNotification(empty_pb2.Empty())
389 push_collector.assert_user_has_count(, 1)
390 push_collector.assert_user_push_matches_fields(
392 title="Checking push notifications work!",
393 body="If you see this, then it's working :)",
394 )
396 # the above two are equivalent to this
398 push_collector.assert_user_has_single_matching(
400 title="Checking push notifications work!",
401 body="If you see this, then it's working :)",
402 )