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83 statements
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1from unittest.mock import patch
3import grpc
4import pytest
5from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
7from couchers.config import config
8from couchers.crypto import random_hex
9from proto import bugs_pb2
10from tests.test_fixtures import bugs_session, db, generate_user, testconfig # noqa
14def _(testconfig):
15 pass
18def test_bugs_disabled():
19 with bugs_session() as bugs, pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
20 bugs.ReportBug(
21 bugs_pb2.ReportBugReq(
22 subject="subject",
23 description="description",
24 results="results",
25 frontend_version="frontend_version",
26 user_agent="user_agent",
27 page="page",
28 )
29 )
30 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
33def test_bugs(db):
34 with bugs_session() as bugs:
36 def dud_post(url, auth, json):
37 assert url == ""
38 assert auth == ("user", "token")
39 assert json == {
40 "title": "subject",
41 "body": (
42 "Subject: subject\nDescription:\ndescription\n\nResults:\nresults\n\nBackend version: "
43 + config["VERSION"]
44 + "\nFrontend version: frontend_version\nUser Agent: user_agent\nPage: page\nUser: <not logged in>"
45 ),
46 "labels": ["bug tool", "bug: triage needed"],
47 }
49 class _PostReturn:
50 status_code = 201
52 def json(self):
53 return {"number": 11}
55 return _PostReturn()
57 new_config = config.copy()
58 new_config["BUG_TOOL_ENABLED"] = True
60 with patch("couchers.servicers.bugs.config", new_config):
61 with patch("", dud_post):
62 res = bugs.ReportBug(
63 bugs_pb2.ReportBugReq(
64 subject="subject",
65 description="description",
66 results="results",
67 frontend_version="frontend_version",
68 user_agent="user_agent",
69 page="page",
70 )
71 )
73 assert res.bug_id == "#11"
74 assert res.bug_url == ""
77def test_bugs_with_user(db):
78 user, token = generate_user(username="testing_user")
80 with bugs_session(token) as bugs:
82 def dud_post(url, auth, json):
83 assert url == ""
84 assert auth == ("user", "token")
85 assert json == {
86 "title": "subject",
87 "body": (
88 "Subject: subject\nDescription:\ndescription\n\nResults:\nresults\n\nBackend version: "
89 + config["VERSION"]
90 + "\nFrontend version: frontend_version\nUser Agent: user_agent\nPage: page\nUser: [@testing_user](http://localhost:3000/user/testing_user) (1)"
91 ),
92 "labels": ["bug tool", "bug: triage needed"],
93 }
95 class _PostReturn:
96 status_code = 201
98 def json(self):
99 return {"number": 11}
101 return _PostReturn()
103 new_config = config.copy()
104 new_config["BUG_TOOL_ENABLED"] = True
106 with patch("couchers.servicers.bugs.config", new_config):
107 with patch("", dud_post):
108 res = bugs.ReportBug(
109 bugs_pb2.ReportBugReq(
110 subject="subject",
111 description="description",
112 results="results",
113 frontend_version="frontend_version",
114 user_agent="user_agent",
115 page="page",
116 )
117 )
119 assert res.bug_id == "#11"
120 assert res.bug_url == ""
123def test_bugs_fails_on_network_error(db):
124 with bugs_session() as bugs:
126 def dud_post(url, auth, json):
127 class _PostReturn:
128 status_code = 400
130 return _PostReturn()
132 new_config = config.copy()
133 new_config["BUG_TOOL_ENABLED"] = True
135 with patch("couchers.servicers.bugs.config", new_config):
136 with patch("", dud_post):
137 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
138 res = bugs.ReportBug(
139 bugs_pb2.ReportBugReq(
140 subject="subject",
141 description="description",
142 results="results",
143 frontend_version="frontend_version",
144 user_agent="user_agent",
145 page="page",
146 )
147 )
148 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL
151def test_version():
152 with bugs_session() as bugs:
153 res = bugs.Version(empty_pb2.Empty())
154 assert res.version == "testing_version"
157def test_status(db):
158 for _ in range(5):
159 generate_user()
161 with bugs_session() as bugs:
162 nonce = random_hex()
163 res = bugs.Status(bugs_pb2.StatusReq(nonce=nonce))
164 assert res.nonce == nonce
165 assert res.version == "testing_version"
166 assert res.coucher_count == 5
169def test_GetDescriptors():
170 with bugs_session() as bugs:
171 res = bugs.GetDescriptors(empty_pb2.Empty())
172 # test we got something roughly binary back
173 assert res.content_type == "application/octet-stream"
174 assert len( > 2**12