Coverage for src/tests/ 100%
488 statements
« prev ^ index » next v7.6.10, created at 2025-03-11 15:27 +0000
« prev ^ index » next v7.6.10, created at 2025-03-11 15:27 +0000
1import http.cookies
3import grpc
4import pytest
5from google.protobuf import empty_pb2, wrappers_pb2
6from sqlalchemy.sql import delete, func
8from couchers import errors
9from couchers.crypto import hash_password, random_hex
10from couchers.db import session_scope
11from couchers.models import (
12 ContributeOption,
13 ContributorForm,
14 LoginToken,
15 PasswordResetToken,
16 SignupFlow,
17 User,
18 UserSession,
20from couchers.sql import couchers_select as select
21from proto import api_pb2, auth_pb2
22from tests.test_fixtures import ( # noqa
23 api_session,
24 auth_api_session,
25 db,
26 email_fields,
27 fast_passwords,
28 generate_user,
29 mock_notification_email,
30 push_collector,
31 real_api_session,
32 testconfig,
37def _(testconfig, fast_passwords):
38 pass
41def get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor):
42 set_cookies = [val for key, val in metadata_interceptor.latest_header_raw if key == "set-cookie"]
43 sesh = http.cookies.SimpleCookie([v for v in set_cookies if "sesh" in v][0])["couchers-sesh"].value
44 uid = http.cookies.SimpleCookie([v for v in set_cookies if "user-id" in v][0])["couchers-user-id"].value
45 return sesh, uid
48def test_UsernameValid(db):
49 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
50 assert auth_api.UsernameValid(auth_pb2.UsernameValidReq(username="test")).valid
52 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
53 assert not auth_api.UsernameValid(auth_pb2.UsernameValidReq(username="")).valid
56def test_signup_incremental(db):
57 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
58 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
59 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
60 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="testing", email=""),
61 )
62 )
64 flow_token = res.flow_token
65 assert res.flow_token
66 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
67 assert not res.need_basic
68 assert res.need_account
69 assert res.need_feedback
70 assert res.need_verify_email
71 assert res.need_accept_community_guidelines
73 # read out the signup token directly from the database for now
74 with session_scope() as session:
75 flow = session.execute(select(SignupFlow).where(SignupFlow.flow_token == flow_token)).scalar_one()
76 assert flow.email_sent
77 assert not flow.email_verified
78 email_token = flow.email_token
80 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
81 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(flow_token=flow_token))
83 assert res.flow_token == flow_token
84 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
85 assert not res.need_basic
86 assert res.need_account
87 assert res.need_feedback
88 assert res.need_verify_email
89 assert res.need_accept_community_guidelines
91 # Add feedback
92 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
93 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
94 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
95 flow_token=flow_token,
96 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(
97 ideas="I'm a robot, incapable of original ideation",
98 features="I love all your features",
99 experience="I haven't done couch surfing before",
100 contribute=auth_pb2.CONTRIBUTE_OPTION_YES,
101 contribute_ways=["serving", "backend"],
102 expertise="I'd love to be your server: I can compute very fast, but only simple opcodes",
103 ),
104 )
105 )
107 assert res.flow_token == flow_token
108 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
109 assert not res.need_basic
110 assert res.need_account
111 assert not res.need_feedback
112 assert res.need_verify_email
113 assert res.need_accept_community_guidelines
115 # Agree to community guidelines
116 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
117 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
118 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
119 flow_token=flow_token,
120 accept_community_guidelines=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue(value=True),
121 )
122 )
124 assert res.flow_token == flow_token
125 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
126 assert not res.need_basic
127 assert res.need_account
128 assert not res.need_feedback
129 assert res.need_verify_email
130 assert not res.need_accept_community_guidelines
132 # Verify email
133 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
134 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
135 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
136 flow_token=flow_token,
137 email_token=email_token,
138 )
139 )
141 assert res.flow_token == flow_token
142 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
143 assert not res.need_basic
144 assert res.need_account
145 assert not res.need_feedback
146 assert not res.need_verify_email
147 assert not res.need_accept_community_guidelines
149 # Finally finish off account info
150 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
151 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
152 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
153 flow_token=flow_token,
154 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
155 username="frodo",
156 password="a very insecure password",
157 birthdate="1970-01-01",
158 gender="Bot",
159 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_MAYBE,
160 city="New York City",
161 lat=40.7331,
162 lng=-73.9778,
163 radius=500,
164 accept_tos=True,
165 ),
166 )
167 )
169 assert not res.flow_token
170 assert res.HasField("auth_res")
171 assert res.auth_res.user_id
172 assert not res.auth_res.jailed
173 assert not res.need_basic
174 assert not res.need_account
175 assert not res.need_feedback
176 assert not res.need_verify_email
177 assert not res.need_accept_community_guidelines
179 user_id = res.auth_res.user_id
181 sess_token, uid = get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor)
182 assert uid == str(user_id)
184 with api_session(sess_token) as api:
185 res = api.GetUser(api_pb2.GetUserReq(user=str(user_id)))
187 assert res.username == "frodo"
188 assert res.gender == "Bot"
189 assert res.hosting_status == api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_MAYBE
190 assert == "New York City"
191 assert == 40.7331
192 assert res.lng == -73.9778
193 assert res.radius == 500
195 with session_scope() as session:
196 form = session.execute(select(ContributorForm)).scalar_one()
198 assert form.ideas == "I'm a robot, incapable of original ideation"
199 assert form.features == "I love all your features"
200 assert form.experience == "I haven't done couch surfing before"
201 assert form.contribute == ContributeOption.yes
202 assert form.contribute_ways == ["serving", "backend"]
203 assert form.expertise == "I'd love to be your server: I can compute very fast, but only simple opcodes"
206def _quick_signup():
207 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
208 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
209 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
210 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="testing", email=""),
211 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
212 username="frodo",
213 password="a very insecure password",
214 birthdate="1970-01-01",
215 gender="Bot",
216 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
217 city="New York City",
218 lat=40.7331,
219 lng=-73.9778,
220 radius=500,
221 accept_tos=True,
222 ),
223 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
224 accept_community_guidelines=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue(value=True),
225 )
226 )
228 flow_token = res.flow_token
230 assert res.flow_token
231 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
232 assert not res.need_basic
233 assert not res.need_account
234 assert not res.need_feedback
235 assert res.need_verify_email
237 # read out the signup token directly from the database for now
238 with session_scope() as session:
239 flow = session.execute(select(SignupFlow).where(SignupFlow.flow_token == flow_token)).scalar_one()
240 assert flow.email_sent
241 assert not flow.email_verified
242 email_token = flow.email_token
244 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
245 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(email_token=email_token))
247 assert not res.flow_token
248 assert res.HasField("auth_res")
249 assert res.auth_res.user_id
250 assert not res.auth_res.jailed
251 assert not res.need_basic
252 assert not res.need_account
253 assert not res.need_feedback
254 assert not res.need_verify_email
256 # make sure we got the right token in a cookie
257 with session_scope() as session:
258 token = (
259 session.execute(
260 select(UserSession).join(User, UserSession.user_id == == "frodo")
261 ).scalar_one()
262 ).token
263 sesh, uid = get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor)
264 assert sesh == token
267def test_signup(db):
268 _quick_signup()
271def test_basic_login(db):
272 # Create our test user using signup
273 _quick_signup()
275 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
276 auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="frodo", password="a very insecure password"))
278 reply_token, _ = get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor)
280 with session_scope() as session:
281 token = (
282 session.execute(
283 select(UserSession)
284 .join(User, UserSession.user_id ==
285 .where(User.username == "frodo")
286 .where(UserSession.token == reply_token)
287 .where(UserSession.is_valid)
288 ).scalar_one_or_none()
289 ).token
290 assert token
292 # log out
293 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
294 auth_api.Deauthenticate(empty_pb2.Empty(), metadata=(("cookie", f"couchers-sesh={reply_token}"),))
297def test_login_part_signed_up_verified_email(db):
298 """
299 If you try to log in but didn't finish singing up, we send you a new email and ask you to finish signing up.
300 """
301 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
302 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
303 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="testing", email=""))
304 )
306 flow_token = res.flow_token
307 assert res.need_verify_email
309 # verify the email
310 with session_scope() as session:
311 flow = session.execute(select(SignupFlow).where(SignupFlow.flow_token == flow_token)).scalar_one()
312 flow_token = flow.flow_token
313 email_token = flow.email_token
314 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
315 auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(email_token=email_token))
317 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
318 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
319 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
320 auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="", password="wrong pwd"))
321 assert e.value.details() == errors.SIGNUP_FLOW_EMAIL_STARTED_SIGNUP
323 assert mock.call_count == 1
324 e = email_fields(mock)
325 assert e.recipient == ""
326 assert flow_token in e.plain
327 assert flow_token in e.html
330def test_login_part_signed_up_not_verified_email(db):
331 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
332 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
333 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
334 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="testing", email=""),
335 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
336 username="frodo",
337 password="a very insecure password",
338 birthdate="1999-01-01",
339 gender="Bot",
340 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
341 city="New York City",
342 lat=40.7331,
343 lng=-73.9778,
344 radius=500,
345 accept_tos=True,
346 ),
347 )
348 )
350 flow_token = res.flow_token
351 assert res.need_verify_email
353 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
354 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
355 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
356 auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="frodo", password="wrong pwd"))
357 assert e.value.details() == errors.SIGNUP_FLOW_EMAIL_STARTED_SIGNUP
359 with session_scope() as session:
360 flow = session.execute(select(SignupFlow).where(SignupFlow.flow_token == flow_token)).scalar_one()
361 email_token = flow.email_token
363 assert mock.call_count == 1
364 e = email_fields(mock)
365 assert e.recipient == ""
366 assert email_token in e.plain
367 assert email_token in e.html
370def test_banned_user(db):
371 _quick_signup()
373 with session_scope() as session:
374 session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one().is_banned = True
376 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
377 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
378 auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="frodo", password="a very insecure password"))
379 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
380 assert e.value.details() == errors.ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED
383def test_deleted_user(db):
384 _quick_signup()
386 with session_scope() as session:
387 session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one().is_deleted = True
389 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
390 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
391 auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="frodo", password="a very insecure password"))
392 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
393 assert e.value.details() == errors.ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND
396def test_invalid_token(db):
397 user1, token1 = generate_user()
398 user2, token2 = generate_user()
400 wrong_token = random_hex(32)
402 with real_api_session(wrong_token) as api, pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
403 res = api.GetUser(api_pb2.GetUserReq(user=user2.username))
405 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED
406 assert e.value.details() == "Unauthorized"
409def test_password_reset_v2(db, push_collector):
410 user, token = generate_user(hashed_password=hash_password("mypassword"))
412 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
413 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
414 res = auth_api.ResetPassword(auth_pb2.ResetPasswordReq(user=user.username))
416 with session_scope() as session:
417 password_reset_token = session.execute(select(PasswordResetToken)).scalar_one().token
419 assert mock.call_count == 1
420 e = email_fields(mock)
421 assert e.recipient ==
422 assert "reset" in e.subject.lower()
423 assert password_reset_token in e.plain
424 assert password_reset_token in e.html
425 unique_string = "You asked for your password to be reset on"
426 assert unique_string in e.plain
427 assert unique_string in e.html
428 assert f"http://localhost:3000/complete-password-reset?token={password_reset_token}" in e.plain
429 assert f"http://localhost:3000/complete-password-reset?token={password_reset_token}" in e.html
430 assert "" in e.plain
431 assert "" in e.html
433 push_collector.assert_user_push_matches_fields(
435 title="A password reset was initiated on your account",
436 body="Someone initiated a password change on your account.",
437 )
439 # make sure bad password are caught
440 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
441 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
442 auth_api.CompletePasswordResetV2(
443 auth_pb2.CompletePasswordResetV2Req(password_reset_token=password_reset_token, new_password="password")
444 )
445 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
446 assert e.value.details() == errors.INSECURE_PASSWORD
448 # make sure we can set a good password
449 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
450 pwd = random_hex()
451 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
452 res = auth_api.CompletePasswordResetV2(
453 auth_pb2.CompletePasswordResetV2Req(password_reset_token=password_reset_token, new_password=pwd)
454 )
456 push_collector.assert_user_push_matches_fields(
458 ix=1,
459 title="Your password was successfully reset",
460 body="Your password on was changed. If that was you, then no further action is needed.",
461 )
463 session_token, _ = get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor)
465 with session_scope() as session:
466 other_session_token = (
467 session.execute(
468 select(UserSession)
469 .join(User, UserSession.user_id ==
470 .where(User.username == user.username)
471 .where(UserSession.token == session_token)
472 .where(UserSession.is_valid)
473 ).scalar_one_or_none()
474 ).token
475 assert other_session_token
477 # make sure we can't set a password again
478 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
479 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
480 auth_api.CompletePasswordResetV2(
481 auth_pb2.CompletePasswordResetV2Req(
482 password_reset_token=password_reset_token, new_password=random_hex()
483 )
484 )
485 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
486 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_TOKEN
488 with session_scope() as session:
489 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
490 assert user.hashed_password == hash_password(pwd)
493def test_password_reset_no_such_user(db):
494 user, token = generate_user()
496 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
497 res = auth_api.ResetPassword(
498 auth_pb2.ResetPasswordReq(
499 user="nonexistentuser",
500 )
501 )
503 with session_scope() as session:
504 res = session.execute(select(PasswordResetToken)).scalar_one_or_none()
506 assert res is None
509def test_password_reset_invalid_token_v2(db):
510 password = random_hex()
511 user, token = generate_user(hashed_password=hash_password(password))
513 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
514 res = auth_api.ResetPassword(
515 auth_pb2.ResetPasswordReq(
516 user=user.username,
517 )
518 )
520 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor), pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
521 res = auth_api.CompletePasswordResetV2(auth_pb2.CompletePasswordResetV2Req(password_reset_token="wrongtoken"))
522 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
523 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_TOKEN
525 with session_scope() as session:
526 user = session.execute(select(User)).scalar_one()
527 assert user.hashed_password == hash_password(password)
530def test_logout_invalid_token(db):
531 # Create our test user using signup
532 _quick_signup()
534 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
535 auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="frodo", password="a very insecure password"))
537 reply_token, _ = get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor)
539 # delete all login tokens
540 with session_scope() as session:
541 session.execute(delete(LoginToken))
543 # log out with non-existent token should still return a valid result
544 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
545 auth_api.Deauthenticate(empty_pb2.Empty(), metadata=(("cookie", f"couchers-sesh={reply_token}"),))
547 reply_token, _ = get_session_cookie_tokens(metadata_interceptor)
548 # make sure we set an empty cookie
549 assert reply_token == ""
552def test_signup_without_password(db):
553 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
554 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
555 auth_api.SignupFlow(
556 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
557 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="Räksmörgås", email=""),
558 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
559 username="frodo",
560 password="bad",
561 city="Minas Tirith",
562 birthdate="9999-12-31", # arbitrary future birthdate
563 gender="Robot",
564 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
565 lat=1,
566 lng=1,
567 radius=100,
568 accept_tos=True,
569 ),
570 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
571 )
572 )
573 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
574 assert e.value.details() == errors.PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT
577def test_signup_invalid_birthdate(db):
578 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
579 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
580 auth_api.SignupFlow(
581 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
582 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="Räksmörgås", email=""),
583 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
584 username="frodo",
585 password="a very insecure password",
586 city="Minas Tirith",
587 birthdate="9999-12-31", # arbitrary future birthdate
588 gender="Robot",
589 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
590 lat=1,
591 lng=1,
592 radius=100,
593 accept_tos=True,
594 ),
595 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
596 )
597 )
598 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
599 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_BIRTHDATE
601 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
602 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
603 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="Christopher", email=""),
604 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
605 username="ceelo",
606 password="a very insecure password",
607 city="New York City",
608 birthdate="2000-12-31", # arbitrary birthdate older than 18 years
609 gender="Helicopter",
610 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
611 lat=1,
612 lng=1,
613 radius=100,
614 accept_tos=True,
615 ),
616 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
617 )
618 )
620 assert res.flow_token
622 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
623 auth_api.SignupFlow(
624 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
625 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="Franklin", email=""),
626 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
627 username="franklin",
628 password="a very insecure password",
629 city="Los Santos",
630 birthdate="2010-04-09", # arbitrary birthdate < 18 yrs
631 gender="Male",
632 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
633 lat=1,
634 lng=1,
635 radius=100,
636 accept_tos=True,
637 ),
638 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
639 )
640 )
641 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
642 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_BIRTHDATE
644 with session_scope() as session:
645 assert session.execute(select(func.count()).select_from(SignupFlow)).scalar_one() == 1
648def test_signup_invalid_email(db):
649 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
650 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
651 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email="a")))
652 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
653 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_EMAIL
655 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
656 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
657 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email="a@b")))
658 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
659 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_EMAIL
661 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
662 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
663 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email="a@b.")))
664 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
665 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_EMAIL
667 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
668 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
669 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email="a@b.c")))
670 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
671 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_EMAIL
674def test_signup_existing_email(db):
675 # Signed up user
676 user, _ = generate_user()
678 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
679 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
680 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
681 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo",
682 )
683 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
684 assert e.value.details() == errors.SIGNUP_FLOW_EMAIL_TAKEN
687def test_signup_continue_with_email(db):
688 testing_email = f"{random_hex(12)}"
689 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
690 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email=testing_email)))
691 flow_token = res.flow_token
692 assert flow_token
694 # continue with same email, should just send another email to the user
695 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
696 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
697 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
698 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email=testing_email))
699 )
700 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
701 assert e.value.details() == errors.SIGNUP_FLOW_EMAIL_STARTED_SIGNUP
704def test_signup_resend_email(db):
705 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
706 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
707 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
708 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
709 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="testing", email=""),
710 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
711 username="frodo",
712 password="a very insecure password",
713 birthdate="1970-01-01",
714 gender="Bot",
715 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
716 city="New York City",
717 lat=40.7331,
718 lng=-73.9778,
719 radius=500,
720 accept_tos=True,
721 ),
722 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
723 accept_community_guidelines=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue(value=True),
724 )
725 )
726 assert mock.call_count == 1
727 e = email_fields(mock)
728 assert e.recipient == ""
730 flow_token = res.flow_token
731 assert flow_token
733 with session_scope() as session:
734 flow = session.execute(select(SignupFlow)).scalar_one()
735 assert flow.flow_token == flow_token
736 assert flow.email_sent
737 assert not flow.email_verified
738 email_token = flow.email_token
740 # ask for a new signup email
741 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
742 with mock_notification_email() as mock:
743 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
744 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
745 flow_token=flow_token,
746 resend_verification_email=True,
747 )
748 )
749 assert mock.call_count == 1
750 e = email_fields(mock)
751 assert e.recipient == ""
752 assert email_token in e.plain
753 assert email_token in e.html
755 with session_scope() as session:
756 flow = session.execute(select(SignupFlow)).scalar_one()
757 assert not flow.email_verified
759 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
760 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
761 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
762 email_token=email_token,
763 )
764 )
766 assert not res.flow_token
767 assert res.HasField("auth_res")
770def test_successful_authenticate(db):
771 user, _ = generate_user(hashed_password=hash_password("password"))
773 # Authenticate with username
774 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
775 reply = auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user=user.username, password="password"))
776 assert not reply.jailed
778 # Authenticate with email
779 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
780 reply = auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(, password="password"))
781 assert not reply.jailed
784def test_unsuccessful_authenticate(db):
785 user, _ = generate_user(hashed_password=hash_password("password"))
787 # Invalid password
788 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
789 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
790 reply = auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user=user.username, password="incorrectpassword"))
791 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
792 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_PASSWORD
794 # Invalid username
795 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
796 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
797 reply = auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="notarealusername", password="password"))
798 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
799 assert e.value.details() == errors.ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND
801 # Invalid email
802 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
803 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
804 reply = auth_api.Authenticate(
805 auth_pb2.AuthReq(user=f"{random_hex(12)}", password="password")
806 )
807 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
808 assert e.value.details() == errors.ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND
810 # Invalid id
811 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
812 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
813 reply = auth_api.Authenticate(auth_pb2.AuthReq(user="-1", password="password"))
814 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND
815 assert e.value.details() == errors.ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND
818def test_complete_signup(db):
819 testing_email = f"{random_hex(12)}"
820 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
821 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
822 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="Tester", email=testing_email))
823 )
825 flow_token = reply.flow_token
827 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
828 # Invalid username
829 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
830 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
831 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
832 flow_token=flow_token,
833 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
834 username=" ",
835 password="a very insecure password",
836 city="Minas Tirith",
837 birthdate="1980-12-31",
838 gender="Robot",
839 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
840 lat=1,
841 lng=1,
842 radius=100,
843 accept_tos=True,
844 ),
845 )
846 )
847 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
848 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_USERNAME
850 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
851 # Invalid name
852 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
853 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
854 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
855 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name=" ", email=f"{random_hex(12)}")
856 )
857 )
858 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
859 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_NAME
861 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
862 # Hosting status required
863 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
864 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
865 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
866 flow_token=flow_token,
867 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
868 username="frodo",
869 password="a very insecure password",
870 city="Minas Tirith",
871 birthdate="1980-12-31",
872 gender="Robot",
873 hosting_status=None,
874 lat=1,
875 lng=1,
876 radius=100,
877 accept_tos=True,
878 ),
879 )
880 )
881 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
882 assert e.value.details() == errors.HOSTING_STATUS_REQUIRED
884 user, _ = generate_user()
885 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
886 # Username unavailable
887 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
888 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
889 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
890 flow_token=flow_token,
891 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
892 username=user.username,
893 password="a very insecure password",
894 city="Minas Tirith",
895 birthdate="1980-12-31",
896 gender="Robot",
897 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
898 lat=1,
899 lng=1,
900 radius=100,
901 accept_tos=True,
902 ),
903 )
904 )
905 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
906 assert e.value.details() == errors.USERNAME_NOT_AVAILABLE
908 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
909 # Invalid coordinate
910 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
911 reply = auth_api.SignupFlow(
912 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
913 flow_token=flow_token,
914 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
915 username="frodo",
916 password="a very insecure password",
917 city="Minas Tirith",
918 birthdate="1980-12-31",
919 gender="Robot",
920 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
921 lat=0,
922 lng=0,
923 radius=100,
924 accept_tos=True,
925 ),
926 )
927 )
928 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
929 assert e.value.details() == errors.INVALID_COORDINATE
932def test_signup_token_regression(db):
933 # Repro steps:
934 # 1. Start a signup
935 # 2. Confirm the email
936 # 3. Start a new signup with the same email
937 # Expected: send a link to the email to continue signing up.
938 # Actual: `AttributeError: 'SignupFlow' object has no attribute 'token'`
940 testing_email = f"{random_hex(12)}"
942 # 1. Start a signup
943 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
944 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email=testing_email)))
945 flow_token = res.flow_token
946 assert flow_token
948 # 2. Confirm the email
949 with session_scope() as session:
950 email_token = (
951 session.execute(select(SignupFlow).where(SignupFlow.flow_token == flow_token)).scalar_one().email_token
952 )
954 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
955 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
956 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
957 flow_token=flow_token,
958 email_token=email_token,
959 )
960 )
962 # 3. Start a new signup with the same email
963 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
964 with pytest.raises(grpc.RpcError) as e:
965 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
966 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="frodo", email=testing_email))
967 )
968 assert e.value.code() == grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION
969 assert e.value.details() == errors.SIGNUP_FLOW_EMAIL_STARTED_SIGNUP
972@pytest.mark.parametrize("opt_out", [True, False])
973def test_opt_out_of_newsletter(db, opt_out):
974 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
975 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(
976 auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(
977 basic=auth_pb2.SignupBasic(name="testing", email=""),
978 account=auth_pb2.SignupAccount(
979 username="frodo",
980 password="a very insecure password",
981 birthdate="1970-01-01",
982 gender="Bot",
983 hosting_status=api_pb2.HOSTING_STATUS_CAN_HOST,
984 city="New York City",
985 lat=40.7331,
986 lng=-73.9778,
987 radius=500,
988 accept_tos=True,
989 opt_out_of_newsletter=opt_out,
990 ),
991 feedback=auth_pb2.ContributorForm(),
992 accept_community_guidelines=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue(value=True),
993 )
994 )
996 with session_scope() as session:
997 email_token = (
998 session.execute(select(SignupFlow).where(SignupFlow.flow_token == res.flow_token)).scalar_one().email_token
999 )
1001 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
1002 res = auth_api.SignupFlow(auth_pb2.SignupFlowReq(email_token=email_token))
1004 user_id = res.auth_res.user_id
1006 with session_scope() as session:
1007 user = session.execute(select(User).where( == user_id)).scalar_one()
1008 assert not user.in_sync_with_newsletter
1009 assert user.opt_out_of_newsletter == opt_out
1012def test_GetAuthState(db):
1013 user, token = generate_user()
1014 jailed_user, jailed_token = generate_user(accepted_tos=0)
1016 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
1017 res = auth_api.GetAuthState(empty_pb2.Empty())
1018 assert not res.logged_in
1019 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
1021 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
1022 res = auth_api.GetAuthState(empty_pb2.Empty(), metadata=(("cookie", f"couchers-sesh={token}"),))
1023 assert res.logged_in
1024 assert res.HasField("auth_res")
1025 assert res.auth_res.user_id ==
1026 assert not res.auth_res.jailed
1028 auth_api.Deauthenticate(empty_pb2.Empty(), metadata=(("cookie", f"couchers-sesh={token}"),))
1030 res = auth_api.GetAuthState(empty_pb2.Empty(), metadata=(("cookie", f"couchers-sesh={token}"),))
1031 assert not res.logged_in
1032 assert not res.HasField("auth_res")
1034 with auth_api_session() as (auth_api, metadata_interceptor):
1035 res = auth_api.GetAuthState(empty_pb2.Empty(), metadata=(("cookie", f"couchers-sesh={jailed_token}"),))
1036 assert res.logged_in
1037 assert res.HasField("auth_res")
1038 assert res.auth_res.user_id ==
1039 assert res.auth_res.jailed
1042# tests for ConfirmChangeEmail within tests for test_ChangeEmail_*